Know more about Banco Macro S.A.


BMA shares information.

In what markets does Macro's stock price?

Banco Macro list their shares in Buenos Aires Stock exchange market (BCBA) and the NYSE (New York Stock Exchange).

How many kinds of shares does Banco Macro have?

Banco Macro poses two kinds of share, Class A and Class B. First ones give 5 votes per share meanwhile the shares Class B only give one vote per share.

What is the price of the Banco Macro share / ADS?

The share prices of Banco Macro can by consulted in BOLSAR and the price of the ADS in the NYSE, in both cases, under the same code “BMA”.

How can I reach Investors Relations in Banco Macro?

Jorge Scarinci
Chief Financial Officer
Nicolás A. Torres 
Investor Relations
Phone number: (5411) 5222 6682
E-mail: investorelations@macro.com.ar

Regarding the Negotiable Obligations (ON)

Does Banco Macro posses Negotiable Obligations (ON) emitted?

Yes, Banco Macro has emitted two Negotiable Obligations:
subordinated- Clase A
Peso linked - Clase B
For more information click here:

What were the emission conditions of these ONs?

The conditions of emission of these ONs can be founded on the section “Press releases” from this website.

As of the dates which are the balances that this ONs have?

The residual balances in a circulation of the ON of Banco Macro you will find them detailed on the accounting statements of this website.

Regarding results.

How often does the Bank publish their results?

The bank results can be consulted in the National Commission of Values,also in the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and also in the section “Reports and Statements” from this website.

Where can I consult the bank results?

The bank results can be consulted in the National Commission of Values (CNV), also in the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and in the section “Reports and Statements” (link to Reports and Statements) from this website.

Regarding Dividends.

How can I know the dividends paid by Banco Macro?

The annual report sent by SEC (20F) will be found on detailed at the paid dividends, specifically on Item 8.A from the report.

How can I know about the payment of the dividends?

Banco Macro informs to the CNV about the payment of the dividends with a formal note.
Regarding shareholder’s assembly.

How can I take acknowledgment about the points order to be treated on the shareholder's assembly?

The order of the points to be treated on the assembly is communicated to the CNV and to the SEC with a note that could be consulted in the websites. Also, you will find them in the section “CNV Register”

How can I take notice of what was discussed at the Shareholders' Meeting?

What is discussed at the Shareholders' Meeting is communicated to the CNV by means of a note so that it can be consulted on the respective page and in the "CNV Records" section from this website.