
In Banco Macro we have a strong commitment for dialogue and we work to build close bonds, ethics, transparent and long-term bonds with a focus on sustainable development of all social actors with whom we make strong relationships.

Human Capital

Our commitment to our partners found their bases in the wellbeing and professional growth. They are the key factors of our bank growth:

Sustainability Strategy

Our goal is to be the most sustainable bank in the country. For that, we developed a strategy that fits with our actions in five pillars that answers to the interest of our key public: Partners, clients, providers, shareholders, government, media, local communities, and the environment. Our five strategic pillars:

Inclusion and quality financial education.

We promote a healthy financial system. We generate products and tools to train citizens in bank usage and become critics, reflexive, and economic responsible that contribute to the economic growth of the country. Our commitment:

  • Promote bank usage and accessibility through our wide range of branches and ATM’s.
  • We make focus in low-income sectors adapting our commercial offer.
  • Build products and innovative service to include to all the different profiles of our customers.
  • Developed financial education programs in all the communities and all kinds of sectors and activities.

Direct and indirect environmental impact.

We encourage the citizens and employees about the actions to be taken for the wellbeing of our communities and environment as our core values. Our commitment:

  • Use in an efficient way all our natural resources.
  • Build awareness with our partners and clients, seeking a multiplying effect in our community.
  • Scale and control our institutional carbon footprint.
  • Responsible management of our technological hardware residues, plastic and papers.
  • Developed an energy-saver program.
  • Make a strong analysis of environmental and social risks, when we have to make a choice to give a loan.

Be responsible for our enviroment and social inclusion.

We generate employment on a federal level and we accompany the professional development of our partners, we encourage diversity and inclusion in our work environment. In all the cases, the objective is the same: Improve the quality of life of the people around us. Our commitment:

  • Incorporate benefits to our partners and their families.
  • Promote employment generation on local bases to become a developer to our economic regions.
  • Empower talent with a ground base strategy and professional intern development.
  • Develop conciliative initiatives between and family.

Small and medium business (PyMEs) Development and entrepeneuers.

We accompany the small and medium business development with their products and services, professional formation and tools for their based-growth. Our commitment:

  • Build product and services for Small and medium business (PyMEs).
  • Accompany their growth with personal counseling and professional formation.
  • Listen to our clients with an excellent system of public attention.

Transparency in all of our actions.

We operate with the maximum transparency with the goal to create a trust and confident context for all of our group of interests. We practice active listening and redemption of continued accounts. Our commitment:

  • Share all our accounts in a transparent way with all the details necessary for our clients.
  • Adaptive communication channels for every profile.
  • Fight against corruption, money laundry, and financial terrorism.
  • Adhere and accomplish the national and international standards and good transparency practices, also accomplish responsible management.
  • Develop tools and codes to respect ethic and good behavior in the operations.

Sustaintability Corporate Policies.

In Banco Macro we believe in our social commitment, a financial entity, is key for our country development. That’s why we assume the compromise to generate actions of economic, social and environmental value, build strong long-term bonds with each of the group of interests: employees, clients, providers, media, public sector, environment, local communities, and the entire society. We are true to our corporate values, our main goal is to become a sustainable business that respects human beings and environment, acting in a transversal way to the business in the built of a corporate reputation from a management based on ethics and transparency. In this way corporate sustainability is a part of the bank culture that the focus is on our vulnerable sectors, and the creation of opportunities in every region of our country, we go from the products and quality financial services offer to a responsible management of impacts and risks of the business for the benefit of the present and future generations. The bank executives, also accompany trough their sign on a policy exposed beforehand, they commit with the promotion of the policy towards the entire business and society, to help them promote sustainable management and rich the goal of becoming a reference leader for the entire country.

  • Principles of action: We extend our Corporate Sustainability Policy with the commitment to respect the different aspects and audiences that participate in the operations of the business.
  • Respect for dialogue: listening to all concerns and expectation from the group of interest and give an answer trough sustainable actions.
  • Respect for the ethic: Agreeing to work under national and international regulations and bank policies, always based on our Code of Conduct, with clear and effective administrative procedures.
  • Respect for the transparency: Render accounts to our group of interests with the truth and guarantee clear development in our operations focused on the fight against corruption, terrorism and money laundry.
  • Respect for the people: attract, develop and maintain talent by valuing diversity and equity; and build in each personal relationship with the different public bonds that value Human Rights.
  • Respect for inclusion: manage our business with a focus on vulnerable sectors in order to support the entrepreneurial spirit of our entire value chain.
  • Respect for our clients: understand their demands and needs, and act accordingly with quality services to achieve their financial objectives and improve the welfare of them and their families.

Sustaintable Corporate Reports.

Since 2007, we have been committed to reporting annually and uninterruptedly on our performance and actions that generate economic value for local communities, contribute to societal development, and help preserve the planet.

In 2014, we combined our Sustainability Report with our Annual Report into a single publication, presenting Argentina's first Integrated Annual Report. This new report is aligned with leading international practices at the time and recognizing the importance of consolidating and aligning financial and non-financial information into one document, understanding that both are inseparable and essential for sustainable business management.

Therefore, for the past 11 years, we have published our Integrated Annual Report from the perspective of the six capitals outlined by the International Integrated Reporting Council (IIRC) (financial, intellectual, industrial, human, social, and natural) and in reference to the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Standards. Additionally, we are aligned with and committed to the United Nations 2030 Agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), as well as the 10 Principles of the United Nations Global Compact.

Furthermore, in 2024, we began implementing the International Sustainability and Climate Standards (IFRS S1 "General Requirements for Disclosure of Sustainability-related Financial Information" and IFRS S2 "Climate-related Disclosures"), aiming to anticipate future requirements in this field. Starting this year, we also began incorporating the Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB) standards, recognizing the importance of communicating these indicators to investors and capital markets.

We invite you to read our Report and join us on this journey toward sustainability.